How to tell your story with impact - Part 2
Part 2 – 80:20 Rule I like to think of communications like a bank balance – every time you interact with someone you have an opportunity...
How to tell your story with impact - Part 1
Today alone, you and I will each be exposed to something like 5000 messages as we go about our daily grind. Therefore, it is no surprise...
Show Don't Tell
I absolutely love this Google clip so I had to share it. If you are anything like me, it will probably give you a few goose bumps – you...
"Doing Good" - Good for Business
Just in case we needed more proof that “doing good” is good for business – here is a great article on the growing importance of genuine...
Engaging Hearts & Minds
I was at a Sustainable Business Council event a few weeks back where Colmar Brunton shared the latest results from the 2017 NZ Corporate...
People before Profit
Congratulations to Vodafone and The Warehouse for this positive move - providing practical and much needed support to employees...
Better Together
As a big supporter of joint industry and community collaboration I had to share this new Z Energy “We Can Do Better” campaign. Z are...
Monday morning muse
I know “storytelling” is a real buzz word right now but I am a long term big believer in powerful stories and I couldn't agree more with...
Meaningful connections can help grow your consumer base
Over recent years I have witnessed first-hand the rapid increase in the importance of good corporate citizenship in business however very...
Mid-week muse...
While the "always on" mentality is rapidly becoming the norm for all of us, you cant ignore the importance of taking time to think and...