Show Don't Tell
I absolutely love this Google clip so I had to share it.
If you are anything like me, it will probably give you a few goose bumps – you will feel in some way connected to the story that was being told even though you don’t know the people involved. I think this advert is a great example of how important and powerful it can be when you “SHOW” people what you can do instead of just “TELLING” them.
Google could have created a perfectly good, simple ad that told us you can search for anything on this search engine but instead, they showed us the power of Google search by telling a story about bringing two old friends, in different countries, back together. They have told us a story with impact.
If you want help cutting through the clutter and engaging people in the amazing stories that your organisation has to tell - Let’s Talk as I would love to work with you to create meaningful, authentic connections for your organisation through the use of strategic communications.
Image courtesy of WIX