How to tell your story with impact - Part 6
Part 6 - Learn and go again:
The last but not the least, part of the story telling puzzle is evaluation.
Change is constant – you will change, research will change, public attitudes change, media changes. So, your communications strategy and any communications initiatives should always conclude with a review section so you can respond to this change and stay relevant.
You took time at the “WHY” stage of your planning to get clear on your objectives and think about what success would look like so now it’s time to see if your objectives have been met.
I am a big believer in the saying “If you keep doing what you have always done, you will get what you have always got” so I encourage you to be curious about other possibilities and touchpoints. Look outside your sector at what others are doing and don’t be afraid to try different things. By reviewing as you go, you can afford to be a bit braver in your choices as you can get a more regular read on what is working and not working and refine your approach as you go. Remember what Austin Kleon said about being brave, taking chances and putting yourself out there
It is easy to get busy on the next thing and skip this step but it will help you to build up a more in depth understanding of your stakeholders and what they like and don’t like so in turn you can continue to make your communications more targeted and your stories a lot more IMPACTFUL.
Now you have all the foundations for preparing an authentic communications strategy. If you can apply some of this thinking to your next initiative or project, you will be well on the path to telling a better story with impact because you know what is important to your audience and you have thought about your WHY, WHAT and WHEN before your ‘HOW’.
Happy storytelling everyone and remember we are always here to help.