Monday Muse
Take a moment now to think of 3 products or services that you feel passionate about.
Got your list?
For me right now it is my Eat My Lunch, Netflix and iPhone (because it is giving me grief today!)
Everything on that list was the product of a successful team collaboration and connection. They took time to understand what people wanted and what was important to them, they explored different options, tested them and refined them then shared them with the masses. Sure, someone started the ball rolling by providing the leadership inspiration, but inspiration without collaboration and connection is just a lot of great ideas that disappear. Now think of two living people who are very successful at what they do.
Got your list?
I am pretty sure both people on that list got to where they are through collaboration and connection too. Business people, athletes, inventors, explorers – they were smart enough to know they need help to make their goals a reality. They have connected with others throughout their lives and built on their own successes to create even bigger ones that are shared with many.
As you go about your week give some thought to the following
- How could you connect and collaborate better in your work?
- What initiatives are you working on that might benefit from some community input?
- Do you know what is important to those around you?