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4 top tips for telling your story with impact

In our previous “How to tell your story with impact” series we have looked at a few tips to help you and your organisation to tell your story with impact. The key is in the planning and making sure that you have the right tools and people to ensure you cut through the clutter and enrich people’s lives in a way that drives enduring action or attraction. If you are pushed for time like most of us, here is a quick summary of the tips I genuinely believe will help to make you a better story teller:

Right plan – This is all about TAKING NOTICE. Use your ears and your mouth. The best storytellers are also the best listeners so take time to think about your stakeholders and listen to what they are saying/asking for. Understand who your audience is and what is important to them – Remember you ‘Who before the How’

Right Message This is about taking ACTION. Take time to digest the intel you have received and use these insights to look for new and different ways to balance your organisations communication goals and objectives. Think about your values and what your brand stands for as well as what is important to your audiences so you can tailor your messages to suit. Remember when you tell a story, you create an experience for your audience – you move them to the “ideal state” where they can become ambassadors for your brand so keep your messages simple, clear and concise. Put the most important facts and key messages first and ALWAYs tell the truth.

Right Delivery this is about CONNECTION – With the right insights and a clear strategy you are well placed to engage in a way that is both meaningful and memorable. You have already established trust and openness with the above two steps so now the key is to ensure you are “showing” your story, not telling it. You are demonstrating by doing, you are attempting to make a difference, you are taking a stand – this is about inspiring, educating and provoking momentum for change. It is about deepening your relationships and making building lasting connections. Preparation and practice is paramount – don’t just think you can wing it. Rehearse your story, test it with others beforehand.

Review - Reflect and learn as you go. Take time to learn from your mistakes and watch what others are doing so you can continue to challenge yourself and stay ahead of the game. What worked well before usually works well again with a bit of refreshing.

Now you have all the foundations for preparing an authentic communications strategy. If you apply this for your next initiative or project, you will be well on the path to telling a better story with impact because you know what is important to your audience and you have thought about your WHY, WHAT and WHEN before your ‘HOW’.

If you are looking for someone to help you tell your organisations story with IMPACT - Let’s Talk as I would love to be part of the journey.

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