What's your story
I have recently finished reading writer Austin Kleon’s book “Show Your Work” which was given to me as a gift when I decided to set off on my latest work adventure. While I may have started reading it solely thinking about my own work and how to get better at sharing what I do, it didn’t take long for me to realise that actually, everything Kleon was talking about was pertinent to my Seen&Heard vision – helping others to tell their story in a meaningful way. At the end of the day, for most of us, our work is our craft and we are all striving to share what we know and what we do with others inside and outside our organisations but how do you tell your story with impact?
Reassuringly Kleon says you don’t have to be a genius to be a good story teller. You just need to be findable, take chances and put yourself out there. He encourages us all to share something small everyday but to avoid being human spam, we have to make sure our stories are good. The key is too let people know who you are and why you are here not just what you do.
This book is a super easy afternoon read so I encourage anyone who has something to share to hunt down a copy. His simple yet profound tips provide a great tool to actually make you stop and reflect for a bit on what stories you have to tell how you can get better at showing people what you know, not just telling them.
I am happy to lend out my copy so please email me if you cant find a copy closer to home.